Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Double Page spread: Ian Dury (mojo)

There is a large picture of Ian Dury and the Blockheads which the article is on. The picture is in black and white, the band look scruffy and a bit rough round the edges, I think the picture is in black and white to give the retro old look. There is also lots of text which starts large and gets smaller. The is also a picture of Ian and his father which overlaps the other main picture it is a picture of Ian when he was young and it is also black and white, it looks like a Polaroid picture as there is a white border around it, it has a caption to explain what is happening in the picture. At top of the fist page is a large drop cap which is eye catching, it also breaks up text to make it more readable, as it is space out. There is a also a quote from the article which is placed over some kind of wall paper which is in colour which could mean he was from a working class background, I think the colour is also added to contrast to the other pictures and text to make the piece more visually interesting, it could also be put into colour to show the importance of the quote which really makes Ian Dury sound like a very interesting and deep person. The ratio of picture to text, is 55 to 45 with there being slightly more picture than text.

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